up: [[Tutorials]] # Continual Command Line Crash Course *Wielding this crazy tool by understanding it and learning how to learn from it.* So you want to learn how the windows computer works while also tackling its core functions, and then learn how to be equipped yourself to learn the darn thing. I do too, so you've come to the right place. This is the guide that I wanted when I started learning about computers and tech stuff. I'm learning this as I go, but I'll give you what I have so far. # What he has so far Let's do this quickly and simply, with [[Focused teaching]] We'll be using command line and VS Code, but don't worry about downloading anything at this point. Super simple. # To Start Press win-r, type cmd, and hit enter. (A pretty short shortcut, eh?) This stands for "command", and pulls up the command line. Put (meaning type in and hit enter) `>echo hello`. (Commands in this guide look like `>this`, where "this" is the stuff you type into command line.) Unless one of us is missing something, a new line should pop up that says "hello". (If not, PM me on Twitter, and start the message with ">" so I know it's about this.) # Continuing onward... Similar to running a good bit of code, I want to put up the clear parts first and develop the unclear parts. I'll be adding clear parts onto this as we go... What I plan to add next: - *What the heck is VS Code and how can it make cmd a lot cooler?* - *How to wield your computer by creating your own shortcuts to do whatever you want. (In other words: What the heck is AutoHotKey and how can it make using a computer a lot cooler?)* For now, let's both read `>help` when we're curious as to what else this thing can do. --- tags: #MOC, #tutorialThing, #public go link: https://ethanplante.org/go/cmd-tutorial